Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Joey update #1

Joey is rapidly warming up to life at Chez Schumeau. Nicole and I are very confused as to the state of Joey's hearing, as he can definitely hear various sounds - we think.

Here's the thing: the first few days he was with us, he wouldn't respond to anything at all, soundwise. Even if we gently spoke directly into his ears, there'd be no response. Then, we were watching "Eastern Promises" (very, very good, by the way) and a dog barked in the background of the movie, and his head perked up right away. We thought this was odd, so we rewound and played it again - same response. But there was another moment during which our temperamental smoke detector went off, and Joey couldn't be bothered. Go figure.

He's also eating solid foods, which is a relief. For the first two days, he had a pig's ear, a handful of chicken soft-chews, and a piece of jerky. Now, he's eating a very healthy mix of wet and dry foods more than once per day, and there's a spring in his step that was absent when we first brought him home. Clearly, he's getting over his nerves.

We also bought him a new crate, which he loves. We weren't going to get him one at first, thinking we'd rather let him roam around the apartment (well, the kitchen and the living room, at least) depending on his whims. When Nicole and I would turn in for the night, though, he'd come to our closed bedroom door and whimper.

The intention of the crate, frankly, was more for us and less for him - we wanted to make sure we could get solid sleep. So when we took the crate out of its box, Joey couldn't climb inside it fast enough. Before we had it fully assembled, he was inside, making himself at home. He loves it. It's like a teenager who finally gets his own room after years of living with his brother. So happy, so comfortable.

And the walks - oh, the walks. Getting Joey now is one of the highlights of my unemployment (which, by the way, I'm totally milking and totally enjoying). Three or four days per week, we head out around the neighborhood for 30-45 minute walks, and he trots around with his ears up and his tail wagging, excited with every step.

Today's gonna suck, though. Last night we had a couple of inches of snow followed by a period of freezing rain, followed again by a very cold downpour of regular rain. So it's gross and miserable, and when you take a step, your foot sinks through the icy crust into the wet mush that used to be snowfall - two or three inches deep. But if a dog's gotta pee ...

More pictures coming soon!

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