Wednesday, August 06, 2008

My proudest Halo 3 moment (and yes, I'm a giant loser)

Before the game started, my three randomly selected teammates quit our Team Slayer match. Rather than conceding defeat, I figured I'd at least make an effort in what was likely to be a four-on-one bloodbath.

Below is a link to video of the entire game. If you're patient enough to let the whole thing load, more power to you. If not, skip to about the 11:40 mark.

If you're not patient enough (and I wouldn't blame you, believe me), you should be able to figure out what happened based on the title of this entry.

Also, please note the repeatedly poor attempts by my opponents to tea-bag my dead body. Kids, don't be douchebags.

Enjoy the nerd-dom!

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